I've really enjoyed feedback this semester. I don't know what changed. I usually hate it. I think that everyone is doing a great job with their writing, so it makes my job more enjoyable and fun! I try to suggest things when I can, as I know that a lot of people are looking out for self-improvement, but I like to tell people what I like about their writing the most. I think it can be easy to get bogged down by many critiques, so I try to be a happy medium.
I'm of the mindset that it's impossible to get to know someone through their introduction post, but you can try your best. Everyone seems sweet. I like my intro fine. It's very... me. I talk about criminology a lot and Kate Bush and that's just how I live my life. It's easier to see how people are when reading their comments, if that makes any sense. It's less of standing on a soapbox type deal and more of seeing how they interact more organically. I don't know. I'm terrible at talking about myself in an online space, but I do my best.
I don't know what changes to make to feedback. I guess it would be interesting hearing from other students what feedback they enjoy getting, so I could tailor it specifically to them, but that might be a big undertaking. I might just keep up what I've been doing. I feel like it's fine.
What a cutie! (Growth Mindset Memes) (Cheezburger)
I chose this cat because I have a difficult time with failure sometimes and will then not take any kind of risk or not try because of that. It's important to remember that failure is okay and you can always try again. Feedback is there to help you do better the next time. it shouldn't be something that's scary and intimidating.
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