Monday, March 2, 2020

WEEK 8 Progress

I'm happy with my progress so far. I've known about the progress chart for a minute, so I've been trying to stay on track with it. I had wanted to be more ahead, but it's not the time for that right now. It's been kind of busy in my life, so staying on track is just fine! Sometimes all you can do is your best! I do need to crank out the extra credit though. I'm hoping to get more of that done and even work ahead either this week or during spring break.

Moving forward, I'd really just like to stick to the schedule that I laid out at the beginning of the semester. For reference, I haven't done it so far even once! It's the best time for me to be doing any kind of homework and I think it would help me work ahead. The goal is to finish early and have more time, or at least finish the weeks early (as in before Sunday like I've been doing!) I don't really want to change anything about my project or blog website. I'm not that tech savvy and wouldn't know how to do it anyway! It's a good thing I like both of them!

The progress chart has been a big help to me throughout the semester! I'm the worst with checking my grades and sort of just like to live in blissful unawareness about my grades, but it's motivated me to keep checking on my progress. In a course like this, it could be easy to fall behind, but it's helped me hold myself accountable to staying on or ahead of where I need to be at the end of each week. I hope to keep that energy going!

A young Dolly Parton (9-5 Music video) (Wikimedia Commons)
I just think she's neat. I couldn't find any non-copyrighted pictures of 9-5, but I included a link to the music video. I find it extremely motivational... or at least it makes me want to quit my job. WWDD- What Would Dolly Do? 

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