Sunday, January 19, 2020

Time Strategies!

Honestly, I'm pretty good at organizing my time. I don't like being overwhelmed, so I tend to work ahead whenever possible so I can stay on top of everything. staying ahead means less stress for me and then I have more time to do what I want, so it's a win-win. I know that I plan a schedule for this class, but I kind of just do things when I can, though sticking to that schedule if I'm not ahead of it would be best!

Eat The Frogs First Thing in The Morning (And Other Better Work Habits) by Thomas Oppong

I read this one last semester and I wanted to be reminded of it again. I really try to follow this advice when I can. I think it makes getting through the day so much easier when you do the more difficult task first and then go from there. I like doing my tasks when I'm at work (I just answer phones, it's not that big of a deal) and then i'm done for the day! I don't do procrastination well, so it's just easier for me to do everything immediately and then relax the rest of the day. I'm also the most awake in the morning, so it's nice! Highly encourage others to follow this advice!

How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented by Lauren Marchese

I love checklists. I'm also a deeply paranoid person, so I like having it in writing that I have in fact completed a task. It works for my anxiety and for getting things done. I'm absolutely the person this article was written about. I love making lists and checking things off of it. It really does help keep you on track. It also helps you take things on in a more manageable capacity.

They understand the joy of checklists (Needpix)

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