I'm interested in the new extra credit options! They sound very interesting and fun to try! I probably won't try the one where you talk about your own life because I... don't like talking about my own life, but maybe! I would be interested in reading it as told from other people, however. I love the short story one. Was it Hemingway that popularized the 6 word story? "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn"? I love that. It sounds like a fun challenge. It really makes you be deliberate with word choice.
I'm excited to start working on my project as well! I think that was my favorite part of last semester. I don't have any idea what I want to do yet, but I'd like to try something lighthearted. I always have the most fun writing things of that nature. I don't know! I guess we'll see.
The way the class is structured makes it fairly easy to get ahead if that's something you want to do, so I'm hoping to get a strong start! I think it'll help in my other classes as well if I am able to just get ahead everywhere. It makes me less stressed and less worried about deadlines.
Some files, possibly for storing assignments? (ACC)
Over the course of this first week, I have become accustomed to the layout of this course! I'm trying to capitalize on the extra credit opportunities to get ahead in the class and hopefully finish early. I learned about how important time management is to getting things done on time, and I think I'll definitely need the time to work on my Capstone this semester! Hopefully by prioritizing my time for this course now, I can have more free time later on in the semester!