Ken Robinson on Flourishing by The RSA
I liked the cats in the video a lot. Those little guys were a nice touch. I always enjoy videos with illustrations going on in the background. As for the message itself, I agree. It can be difficult to progress when you don't know what you want to do, but many people don't actually know that answer for themselves, so it becomes quite difficult moving forward. I believe most of finding your passion comes from just doing what you like. If you have even a tiny inkling that something might bring you joy, it might be worth pursuing. Talents are hard to spot, but they just take time. No one has to have one overnight. They need time to be nurtured and develop.
The "Boggart" Scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I read all of the books/watched the movies growing up, so it's nice seeing this scene included in a different kind of way! On the surface, it's just about a magical creature, but a little bit deeper it's facing your fears and shaping them into something else. It's a useful strategy in any scenario that in which someone might be afraid of something. If you can just turn it into something a little bit less fearsome, it might be easier to manage. I never noticed the useful advice in this scene when I was younger, but I doubt that this was an unintentional message. I'm glad to come across it again in a newer light!
We can always find room to learn in grow. In an academic setting, it's easier to apply these things, at least I feel like. I'm always eager to find new ways to approach learning. In the day to day life, I can see change being a tad daunting as we can become set in our ways at times, but it's crucial to grow thrive. I'm interested to see what new techniques I'll be able to find this semester.
Do what the flowers do and grow! (Wikimedia Commons)
I agree that it can be difficult to make progress if you don't even know where you're supposed to end up. However, that's where the true benefit of the growth mindset comes into play. A growth mindset allows us to make our own goals, and it helps motivate us to reach those goals. As with all living creatures, we never stop growing. A growth mindset enables to think of every situation as a learning experience that can attribute towards our personal growth.