Sunday, January 26, 2020

Feedback Thoughts

I'm trying to rework my brain into enjoying feedback because I don't necessarily enjoy it at all times, but I know it's important in improving. For myself, I like creating things in the space of a vacuum and I've never had to share any of that with others, but that's just part of the creative process! I've definitely gotten tons of useful feedback on my project last semester that was extremely useful and if I hadn't been receptive to it, it might have turned out differently!

The best feedback that I've received was always constructive and I could tell that they wanted me to succeed. The worst was always... vaguely rude? I don't know how else to explain this but it was more critical than it was meant to build up. I think the key for offering good feedback is a genuine want to see someone succeed.

Neil Gaiman's Advice on the Creative Life by Maria Popova

Making mistakes is pivotal for growth. If you don't take the risk, you'll never be able to expand. I like Neil Gaiman as a writer, though I've never seen this speech before. I think it's incredibly useful for those who are want to create but are having difficulty with perfectionism. I firmly believe that art isn't perfect and that things don't have to be perfect to be enjoyable, but I often find myself not wanting to create out of fear that it isn't good enough or whatever the reason may be. I think art is about being vulnerable and taking chances. Who cares who doesn't like it? Just doing something is enough sometimes.

How to Get Past Negativity Bias by Katrina Schwartz

It's interesting to find out an actual reason why we prioritize negative feedback over positive ones. I never would have thought it was that deep. It's nice that the article also leaves tips to correcting this behavior! Once you understand why something is happening, it might be easier to consciously recognize and undo the behavior. I like the acronym that they made, "HEAL." That's a nice way to look at it! I always appreciate a softer approach to things like this. It's often difficult to just change your thoughts, but when you approach it from a healing perspective, it becomes a bit more manageable!

This cat is going places (Cheezburger) (Growth Mindset Memes)

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